Sunday, 18 May 2014


SEA-MARJ is a company who supports fresh graduates who wants to get work easily,company that gives opportunities to everyone under graduate or any other courses even not HRM, company who gives advice that is best to everybody ,specially for those who are having hard time getting jobs., there are some negative comments about it but its just just because they cant understand the fact that its a training center a private institution ..and if you can see this SEA-MARJ company on the JOB STREET its actually says there that the company description is a training center .. and its also on its name ... SEA-MARJ HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRAINING CENTER.. those applicants who didn't give time to read the company's description is the ones who gave negative feedback .and some who have been interviewed but not qualified and rejected.. they are expecting a job on the spot after the interview and for your trust-able source visit their site its totally from the past till the present trainees that have been employed, their names and where they are, with the help of this company ...local or international hotels and restaurant .. your life ,your choice.. visit their office at QUIRINO LRT STATION ,6TH FLOOR MARC 2000 TOWER bring one resume and one valid I.D( look for ms angel and wear business attire) for you to experience the said opportunities..